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Apr 5, 2024

What is Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)?

This article outlines how ERM differs from traditional risk management and how an ERM process can be one of the entity's most important strategic tools.

Jun 7, 2023

Enhancing Risk Insights by Integrating ESG Perspectives

This thought paper, "Enhancing Risk Insights by Integrating ESG Perspectives: An Opportunity for ERM Leaders," is intended to help ERM leaders and other executives enhance their organization’s risk insights by strengthening the integration of their ERM and ESG efforts. The paper is based on interviews with ERM leaders who shared insights not only about challenges related to integrating ESG into their ERM processes but also suggestions of a number of opportunities leaders can consider to reap the benefits that can be realized through enhanced ESG considerations.

May 3, 2023

Enhancing the Future Relevance of ERM

This thought paper, Enhancing the Future Relevance of ERM:  Insights from ERM Leaders, summarizes a number of key insights from enterprise-wide risk management (ERM) leaders about continuous improvement opportunities and practical techniques that business leaders can use to advance the strategic value of their organization’s risk management processes. The paper highlights innovative and emerging themes ERM leaders are embracing to strengthen their organization’s understanding of emerging issues before they occur.

Getting Started with ERM for Nonprofits

Jul 14, 2021

Getting Started with Enterprise Risk Management: A Guide for Nonprofits

A video discussion of, "Getting Started with Enterprise Risk Management: A Guide for Nonprofits."

Jul 1, 2010

How Did BP’s Risk Management Lead to Failure?

The news has been flooded with updates on the environmental impact of the BP oil spill on the gulf coast and the economic impact on businesses in the surrounding areas. Many are wondering: How could something like this happen? Why has it taken so long to fix? What was BP management thinking? The answers to these questions are centered on one element the financial world has been buzzing about since the financial crisis: risk management. This article points out the critical components of risk management that were absent at BP and compares them to the basic principles any company should employ to successfully manage risks.

Mar 24, 2006

Home Depot’s Approach to ERM

David Whatley, vice president for risk management at Atlanta-based Home Depot Inc., spoke on March 24th to 130 business professionals at the second of three Spring 2006 ERM Roundtables. Whatley described Home Depot’s approach to managing risks at the world’s largest home improvement retailer.