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Apr 5, 2024

What is Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)?

This article outlines how ERM differs from traditional risk management and how an ERM process can be one of the entity's most important strategic tools.

David Hughes

Jul 10, 2023

Focusing on Strategic Risks in Interviews with Executives

David Hughes, Assistant VP and Head of ERM at HCA Healthcare shares insights about the success HCA Healthcare has had with conducting risk identification and assessment interviews with a specific focus on strategy and strategic risks.

David Hughes

Apr 10, 2023

Communicating Risk Insights to Boards of Directors

David Hughes, Assistant VP and Head of ERM at HCA Healthcare talks about the methods and tools he has developed to effectively convey risk information and key insights to the HCA leadership team and Board of Directors.

Keith Cureton

Apr 4, 2022

Reporting Risk Information to Boards of Directors

Keith Cureton shares insights about reporting risk information to executive teams and boards. In his role at UPS, Keith led the company’s ERM process and regularly reported risk information.

Paula Herman

Feb 10, 2022

Managing Talent and Culture Risks

Paula Herman of Mecklenburg County Government shares insights about her views of the kinds of big-picture risks concerns for most organizations.

Angela Hoon

Jan 17, 2019

Analyzing Root Causes of Risks

Angela Hoon, Executive Director of Strategic Risk Management at General Motors talks about how her organization analyzes root causes of top risks in order to identify common triggers and points of interconnection.

Frank Fronzo

May 1, 2018

Assigning Risk Owners

Frank Fronzo, Vice President, Assistant Treasurer and Corporate Risk Officer at Estee Lauder talks about how his organization assigns risk owners.

Rich Muzikar

Feb 23, 2017

Importance of Key Risk Indicators (KRIs)

Richard (“Rich”) G. Muzikar, Director, Enterprise Risk Management at ConEdison, talks about his organization's use of Key Risk Indicators (KRIs). 

Keith Cureton and Mark Beasley

Nov 21, 2016

​Using Risk Profile Summaries to Oversee Top Risks

Keith Cureton, Vice President of Global Compliance and Ethics at UPS discusses how UPS communicates risk information to senior management and the board of directors.