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Oct 20, 2022

ERM Initiative Bridges Risk and Strategy at In-Person ERM Roundtable Summit

The first in-person gathering in three years, the event brought together more than 130 risk leaders from across the United States.

Apr 29, 2022

Elevating Value of Leading-Edge ERM: Highlights from the April 22, 2022 ERM Roundtable Summit

The sharing of insights and experiences among ERM leaders continues to help advance the strategic value of ERM programs among organizations. Fostering thought leadership on strategically focused risk management is a core mission of the ERM Initiative at NC State University. The “golden nuggets” shared by speakers at the April 22, 2022 ERM Roundtable Summit covered a variety of topics related to advancing best practices in enterprise risk management (ERM). We are providing this high-level summary so others can benefit by what was shared in each of the six sessions. 

Jul 31, 2019

Endpoint Security Risks

Cyber security is an ever-changing risk with continuing innovation of new technologies. As new technologies develop, cyber-attacks evolve with the times. This results in organizations having a difficult time securing their endpoints and incurring substantial costs for each successful cyber-attack (an endpoint device is an internet-capable computer hardware device such as desktop computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets, and printers). This article focuses on a survey that was conducted to find how endpoint security is breaking down and what these organizations are doing to correct the issues.

Mar 1, 2016

Cryptocurrency and its Place in the Financial World

Cryptocurrency has been called both the greatest technological breakthrough since the internet and a black hole where consumer dollars simply disappear. On whatever end of the spectrum you fall, the truth of the matter is cryptocurrency is here and it is here to stay. The only question is what form will it adopt and how impactful will it really be? The article, Money is no object: Understanding the evolving cryptocurrency market, attempts to clear up the confusion of crypto currency while simultaneously considering its impact today and in the future.

Jan 20, 2016

A Risk Manager’s Role in Strategic Leadership

A misalignment of risk priorities often exists between the risk manager and the executive decision makers. What can risk managers do to help them establish their significance and contribution to the organization? As in almost any emerging field, risk management requires effective communication and robust contribution from all parties in order to extract the most value for the organization.

Jun 19, 2013

ERP Implementation Risk: Managing Sources of Project Delays and Other Risk

Over the past two decades, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems have allowed managers to utilize software to integrate information about projects across the enterprise. These systems are designed to integrate internal and external information, enhance the flow of communication and decision-making across an enterprise, and focus on business processes and functions. However, integrating information about operations all across an enterprise to make information more accessible and flow via an ERP system presents a number of significant risks. If issues arise at inopportune moments, they are compounded due to the interrelated nature of an ERP system. Protiviti developed a whitepaper that identifies and reiterates the importance of mitigating these risks to reduce post-implementation project costs.

Oct 1, 2012

Applying “Big Data” to Risk Management

“Big data” is quickly building a following as a useful tool for helping managers make decisions. But what exactly is big data, and is its use actually beneficial to a business? This article from Harvard Business Review answers these two questions and more. The authors explain why digital data is perhaps more useful than ever before, and also provide real-life examples of companies using big data to make better decisions. The article also discusses five ingredients that are critical to using big data successfully in any company. Ultimately, big data could provide managers with insights into the risks facing their organizations.

Oct 1, 2012

Managing Risks of the Mobile Enterprise

Mobile devices are becoming more and more integral in the workplace today, as they are used for field work, file-sharing, and business processes. With the widespread use of mobiles, and the delicate intertwined relationship of such devices with both personal and professional lives, substantial number of risks arise that need to be managed properly in order to reap the benefits of these devices. To help organizations think about risks associated with the use of mobile devices, the Security for Business Innovation Council (SBIC) has issued an in-depth analysis of consumer mobile devices in the enterprise along with various risks that arise with the evolving technology. Furthermore, the report also provides various recommendations to manage such risks effectively over time. The following provides a summary of the report.

Sep 30, 2010

Data Risk Management – Applying a Holistic Approach

Due to the increasing costs associated with protecting and maintaining data, a holistic approach to data risk management is becoming essential to organizations. A whitepaper published by IBM discusses the framework and practices involved in using a holistic approach for implementing data risk management programs across organizations.

Sep 1, 2005

CROs (Chief Risk Officer) Challenged by IT Risks

The white paper focuses on the increasing dependency companies have on IT processes and the new challenges placed on CROs. Senior executives at various industries were asked to provide insight on digital risks and the role CROs play in tackling such risks.