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Apr 29, 2022

Elevating Value of Leading-Edge ERM: Highlights from the April 22, 2022 ERM Roundtable Summit

The sharing of insights and experiences among ERM leaders continues to help advance the strategic value of ERM programs among organizations. Fostering thought leadership on strategically focused risk management is a core mission of the ERM Initiative at NC State University. The “golden nuggets” shared by speakers at the April 22, 2022 ERM Roundtable Summit covered a variety of topics related to advancing best practices in enterprise risk management (ERM). We are providing this high-level summary so others can benefit by what was shared in each of the six sessions. 

Aug 31, 2021

Mitigating Supply Chain Disruptions and Building Resilience

Global supply chains are larger and more complex than ever. At the same time disruptions that affect supply chains have grown more frequent and severe, exposing vulnerabilities. Companies and policy makers are reconsidering how to assess, analyze and mitigate risk exposure to bolster supply chain resiliency to shocks like financial crises, terrorism, extreme weather and pandemics. McKinsey Global Institute's (MGI's) report, Risk, Resiliency, and Rebalancing in Global Value Chains, explores factors leading to global supply chain risk, financial implications of shocks and guidance for building supply chain resiliency. Check out this summary of the key findings.

Aug 31, 2021

Assessing Risks in Third Parties

In today's dynamic global market, many third-party risks are going undetected and hidden in supplier, distributor and partner relationships. External factors including the COVID-19 pandemic and increasing attention among government regulators on corruption, sustainability and human rights, the need for companies to protect themselves against third-party threats and the resulting regulatory enforcement of illegal activity is paramount. LSEG's The Real Risks: Hidden Threats Within Third-Party Relationships, aims to provide organizations with guidance for identifying, assessing and managing third-party risk. We have summarized some of their key suggestions.

Apr 1, 2016

Supply Chain Risk Management

Supplier management has recently emerged as an important area for risk management. As globalization has changed the business world drastically this past century, companies now have complex global networks from which they buy and sell products. Given this, Baylor University's Hankamer School of Business conducted research to determine supplier risk management practices. Their findings are based on interviews with 33 companies including KPMG, Johnson & Johnson, Coca Cola, and IBM to name a few. This abstract summarizes some of the key points in this document.

Jan 20, 2016

A Risk Manager’s Role in Strategic Leadership

A misalignment of risk priorities often exists between the risk manager and the executive decision makers. What can risk managers do to help them establish their significance and contribution to the organization? As in almost any emerging field, risk management requires effective communication and robust contribution from all parties in order to extract the most value for the organization.

Nov 1, 2011

Proactively Managing External Relationship Risk

The focus on managing third-party risk is becoming prevalent in the current business environment as more organizations turn to external providers to gain access to needed services, reduce costs, or achieve other strategic advantages. While most executives recognize the importance of thinking through risks associated with delegating key tasks to external parties, several studies suggest the extent of vendor risk assessments is lacking and they fail to be adequately resilient in holding vendors to certain risk management standards. A thought paper by Crowe Horwath presents a process for managing third-party relationship risks by utilizing a risk landscape framework. They highlight three steps to implement a successful third party risk management program.

May 1, 2005

Role of the Chief Risk Officer

The Chief Risk Officer (CRO) is rapidly becoming one of the most crucial members of the management team. CROs are involved with managing many types of risks faced by a business including regulatory risks, product development risks, and strategic risks.