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Case Studies

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Apr 5, 2024

What is Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)?

This article outlines how ERM differs from traditional risk management and how an ERM process can be one of the entity's most important strategic tools.

Jun 7, 2023

Enhancing Risk Insights by Integrating ESG Perspectives

This thought paper, "Enhancing Risk Insights by Integrating ESG Perspectives: An Opportunity for ERM Leaders," is intended to help ERM leaders and other executives enhance their organization’s risk insights by strengthening the integration of their ERM and ESG efforts. The paper is based on interviews with ERM leaders who shared insights not only about challenges related to integrating ESG into their ERM processes but also suggestions of a number of opportunities leaders can consider to reap the benefits that can be realized through enhanced ESG considerations.

May 3, 2023

Enhancing the Future Relevance of ERM

This thought paper, Enhancing the Future Relevance of ERM:  Insights from ERM Leaders, summarizes a number of key insights from enterprise-wide risk management (ERM) leaders about continuous improvement opportunities and practical techniques that business leaders can use to advance the strategic value of their organization’s risk management processes. The paper highlights innovative and emerging themes ERM leaders are embracing to strengthen their organization’s understanding of emerging issues before they occur.

Feb 23, 2022

New Case Study: Using Scenario Planning to Consider Emerging Risks

Recent events have highlighted the importance of planning for an uncertain future.  The ERM Initiative is excited to release this new case study “A Look into The Future with Scenario Planning: A Survey of ERM Practices” that looks at ways multiple organizations use scenario planning to address uncertainty and identify the risks and opportunities that may arise under different conditions.  

Nov 18, 2021

Looking for a better way to report risk information to management?

The ERM Initiative is pleased to provide this new case study, “Management Dashboards: Visualizing Enterprise Risks”, that illustrates a number of different ways organizations are embedding risk insights into management’s dashboard reports.  The report was prepared by graduate students in the Poole College of Management at North Carolina State University based on input they received from 19 companies covering 9 industries including healthcare, financial services, pharmaceuticals, utilities, and wholesale/retail trades. 

Aug 16, 2021

Strengthening Operational Resilience in a Post-Pandemic Environment

In a post-pandemic environment, organizations worldwide are implementing risk management strategies to create more resilient future operations. Operational resilience is the organization's ability to prepare responses to be in a position to recover quickly from disruptive events and continue to function amid challenging events. In its thought paper, Operational Resilience: Considerations for Boards, the C-Suite and Enterprisewide Implementation, Protiviti outlines top considerations for business leaders as they build resilience to support disruptions of an organization's ability to deliver goods and services, regardless of the severity of the event. Protiviti highlights a number of key concepts and practices for C-suite leaders, considerations for the board in overseeing operational resilience, and a checklist of essential elements to implement a resilience plan.

Jul 14, 2021

Getting Started with ERM: A Guide for Nonprofits Templates

The ERM Initiative at NC State is pleased to offer this resource, Getting Started with Enterprise Risk Management: A Guide for Nonprofits. The guide includes a comprehensive set of practical tools and templates that organizations can download and use to advance their risk governance practices to navigate today’s rapidly changing risk landscape. 

Getting Started with ERM for Nonprofits

Jul 14, 2021

Getting Started with Enterprise Risk Management: A Guide for Nonprofits

A video discussion of, "Getting Started with Enterprise Risk Management: A Guide for Nonprofits."

Jan 9, 2020

The Art & Science of Key Risk Indicators: A Case Study Analysis

Many organizations struggle to develop Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) that will provideearly warnings that risks may be more likely to materialize. This case study looks at 5 different organizations that have put KRIs in place and delves into the timing and rationale behind KRI implementation as well as the methods used to develop KRIs and the ongoing risk reporting and monitoring.

Oct 3, 2019

Revamping ERM: How Seven Companies Improved ERM Effectiveness

This case study looks in depth at how seven different organizations have made changes to their approach to ERM to increase engagement in risk management activities from leaders across the organization and to facilitate more risk intelligent decision-making.

Jan 24, 2019

Are You Trying to Embed ERM Thinking Deeper in Your Organization?

Extending the Reach of ERM: Techniques for Engaging More Employees