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Jun 1, 2008

Board-Level Risk Committees

Traditionally, senior risk executives have managed risk at the operational level of organizations. Boards have had general oversight responsibilities for risk, with audit or finance committees taking on more specific risk responsibilities. Now, with the heavy workloads of audit and finance committees and a trend towards implementing enterprise risk management (ERM) processes, many organizations are finding it beneficial to form separate board-level risk management committees. The risk content of an organization is often still addressed at the board level across many committees, while risk process is the focus of the separate risk committee.

May 1, 2008

Standard & Poor’s Applies ERM Analysis to Ratings

S&P to include ERM evaluations in credit ratings for all companies in 2008. Focus areas include risk culture, strategic risk management, and senior management’s approach to risk and reward.

May 1, 2008

ERM: The Importance of Senior Management Buy-In and Leadership

The Midwest Audit Committee Network met to discuss effective ways for boards and audit committees to oversee enterprise-wide risk management. The network is a group of audit committee chairs drawn from leading Midwest companies of varying size. This article captures the overall tone of the comments and outlines the conclusions drawn by the committee. While specific quotes are highlighted to emphasize a point, the speaker’s identity is kept confidential.

Apr 1, 2008

Risk Appetite: A multifaceted approach to risk management

IBM’s survey examines the integration of risk appetite in financial institutions, revealing challenges in aligning risk management with business strategy, capital allocation, and data quality. Discover recommendations for enhancing risk management across organizations.

Dec 31, 2007

The Convergence of Physical and Information Security in the Context of Enterprise Risk Management

Explore how converged security strategies integrate with ERM, enhancing enterprise-wide risk management through cross-functional cooperation, risk councils, and a unified security framework. Includes insights from security executives and case studies.

Dec 31, 2007

The Evolution of Risk and Controls: Seeking Value Creation

KPMG's report explores how executives are shifting toward a holistic, value-driven ERM approach, incorporating risk management into strategic planning to respond to globalization, regulation, and emerging business risks.

Dec 31, 2007

Tax Governance Institute: Tax Risk Management eSurvey

KPMG’s survey reveals growing regulatory pressure on tax risk management, yet only 20% of organizations have formal strategies. Learn why developing a formal tax risk strategy is critical and how CFOs and tax departments can lead this effort.

Dec 31, 2007

Assess the Risks – Key Strategies for Overseeing Derivatives

Explore nine key actions for improving mutual fund board oversight of derivatives, including risk assessment, advisor competence, and ongoing monitoring, from PwC’s report on fund management and governance.

Dec 1, 2007

Reputation Risk Management

Learn how companies can manage reputation risk through enterprise risk management, board oversight, and stakeholder relations. Discover strategies for safeguarding corporate reputation and maintaining a strong public image.

Dec 1, 2007

Audit Committee Involvement in Risk Oversight

Explore how audit committees are adapting to new ERM oversight responsibilities, as boards push for a top-down view of risks in this AICPA article covering the evolving role of risk governance.