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Apr 30, 2019

ERM and Sustainability

Over the last decade, corporations have begun paying increased attention to issues involving sustainability and risk oversight, and linking these efforts to an organization's strategy. Research and thought papers now are addressing the growing challenges related to water scarcity, resource availability, climate disruption, waste reduction, and corporate responsibility. Many organizations have embraced the new sustainability movement, but have discovered a wide-range of challenges before them. These initiatives sometimes appear as disjointed, or misunderstood, which lead to a number of problems when getting started.

Feb 5, 2019

Recognizing the Risk Impact of an Aging Workforce

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in their most recent ten-year labor force and employment projections, the number of individuals aged 55 and above in the labor force will grow from 35.7 million in 2016 to 42.1 million in 2026. Organizations will experience this impact in different ways based on their size, growth, industry and historical hiring and layoffs.

Jan 29, 2019

Trends in Crisis Management & Strategies to Survive a Crisis

There is an increased emphasis on crisis management by organizations around the world as both the frequency of crises and the impact of these crises are growing. An organization should consider past crises, crisis leadership, perceived versus actual preparedness, proactive crisis management, and third party involvement. Read this article to learn more about these considerations and the current trends in crisis management.

Jan 4, 2019

Recognizing the Shamrock Organization and Emerging Risks It May Create

When you think about your organization’s workforce and its related talent needs, there are a number of dynamics to consider. We have all heard about the Millennials and we are beginning to learn about the group that follows them - often referred to as the iGeneration or the Homeland Generation - who bring different skills and expectations to the workforce. Organizations are experiencing the graying of their talent as the boomers are aging. Unprecedented advancements in technology, including the impact with artificial intelligence and digital transformation, are changing how organizations develop and deliver products or services. These developments along with record low unemployment are intensifying skill shortages. And a company named Uber has taught us about the new Gig economy. How will these trends impact the workforce structure for organizations, thereby introducing new types of emerging risks for executives and boards to consider?

Apr 22, 2016

Taking a Strategic Approach to Emerging Risks

Bonnie V. Hancock, Executive Director of North Carolina State University's ERM Initiative, addresses techniques that might simplify the process of prioritizing risk.

Apr 1, 2016

Supply Chain Risk Management

Supplier management has recently emerged as an important area for risk management. As globalization has changed the business world drastically this past century, companies now have complex global networks from which they buy and sell products. Given this, Baylor University's Hankamer School of Business conducted research to determine supplier risk management practices. Their findings are based on interviews with 33 companies including KPMG, Johnson & Johnson, Coca Cola, and IBM to name a few. This abstract summarizes some of the key points in this document.

Mar 1, 2016

Cryptocurrency and its Place in the Financial World

Cryptocurrency has been called both the greatest technological breakthrough since the internet and a black hole where consumer dollars simply disappear. On whatever end of the spectrum you fall, the truth of the matter is cryptocurrency is here and it is here to stay. The only question is what form will it adopt and how impactful will it really be? The article, Money is no object: Understanding the evolving cryptocurrency market, attempts to clear up the confusion of crypto currency while simultaneously considering its impact today and in the future.

Sep 1, 2015

Integrating Sustainability with Enterprise Risk Management

Sustainability policies have a meaningful role in managing risk, and can also promote faster growth. Have you ever heard the saying ‘you have to spend money to make money?’ This remains true for investments in sustainability and risk management - yes, investing money in sustainability and risk management will more than pay for itself. A white paper authored by James Lam and Frances Quinn and published by Workiva highlights the role and benefits sustainability plays in enterprise risk management and explains how to successfully integrate sustainability into the risk management framework.

Apr 1, 2014

How Global Changes Can Affect the Business Environment

As organizations develop their strategic plans, their horizons are often only looking out over the next two-to-three years. While staying focused on the “here and now” is important, failure to look at broader trends of how the world may be shifting may cause some boards and executive teams to wake up some day in the future to discover their strategies are no longer viable. To help organizations consider how shifts may be on the horizon, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) has recently published information about five megatrends that are already changing the business environment. A megatrend is a change on a global scale that is often verified with factual data. In the past few years PwC has noticed that its clients are identifying and changing their strategies because of these megatrends. This article explains each of the five megatrends identified and then highlights possible effects of each trend.

Jan 1, 2014

The Importance of Integrating Risk Management with Strategy

A recent thought paper, 10 Lessons in Integrating Risk Management with Strategy by Protiviti uses examples of both corporate failures and successes to learn what helped those that survived and thrived reach different outcomes than those that failed and disappeared. The thought paper provides lessons learned as well as tools and techniques executives can use to improve their company’s chances of surviving and thriving in an ever-changing world. The thought paper finds that surviving and thriving companies were able to respond to a pending crisis because they integrate risk into their strategic discussions, allowing them to react quickly enough to take advantage of emerging opportunities.