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Mar 6, 2018

The Risks of Persuasion

Jeff Pollack, the Lynn T. Clark II Distinguished Professor of Entreprenuership at NC State University, shares his insights about the art of persuasion, which may be particularly relevant for ERM leaders as they promote the value of risk management within their organizations.

Sep 14, 2017

Managing Risks of Using Teams Through 3D Team Leadership

Dr. Brad Kirkman, General (Ret.) H. Hugh Shelton Distinguished Professor of Leadership NC State University Poole College of Management, discusses the impacts of 3D Team Leadership.

Jul 25, 2017

Today’s Risk Management Challenges: It’s a Small World After All

   In late June, I spoke at a conference in Italy focused on risk management and organizational change.  Those in attendance included both business professionals and academics interested in understanding…

Jun 27, 2017

What is More Important for Creating Successful Teams, Design or Coaching?

   Dr. Brad Kirkman, General (Ret.) H. Hugh Shelton Distinguished Professor of Leadership, NC State University Poole College of Management. His research focuses on leadership, international management, virtual teams, and work…

May 16, 2017

Why Teams Often Make Riskier Decisions Than Individuals (and What You Can Do About It)

Dr. Brad Kirkman, General (Ret.) H. Hugh Shelton Distinguished Professor of Leadership, NC State University Poole College of Management, Shares his insights about how decisions made by teams may actually introduce more risks than when decisions are made individually. He also provides tips for how to counter that concern.

Feb 1, 2017

Enterprise Risk Intelligence and its Importance

Enterprise risk intelligence represents the knowledge required to appropriately and successfully apply an enterprise risk management (ERM) program. ERM programs have many known benefits; however, too few organizations successfully utilize risk programs. This article discusses the importance and benefits of ERM and follows with a study discussing why ERM today is immature, the barriers against implementing ERM, and solutions to deploy ERM.

Nov 29, 2016

Five Recurring Themes for Enhancing Risk Oversight

Article by Mark S. Beasley: Over the past month I have had the opportunity to meet and talk with a number of risk management executives who have engaged with us at our ERM Initiative Advisory Board meeting, our ERM Roundtable Summit, and our inaugural ERM in Higher Education workshop, and I have traveled to Europe to participate in ERM conferences there. In all these experiences I have observed a number of common themes related to opportunities to strengthen ERM processes. These opportunities seem to transcend organizational size, industry, and geographic location. Let me highlight five challenges that ERM leaders view as opportunities to strengthen the value of their organization's ERM efforts.

Jan 20, 2016

A Risk Manager’s Role in Strategic Leadership

A misalignment of risk priorities often exists between the risk manager and the executive decision makers. What can risk managers do to help them establish their significance and contribution to the organization? As in almost any emerging field, risk management requires effective communication and robust contribution from all parties in order to extract the most value for the organization.

Oct 26, 2015

A Chief Compliance Officer’s Role in Risk Management

Risks, rules, and regulations: Can today's chief compliance officers keep up? It is commonly known that a company's ability to assess and manage risks to meet stakeholder expectations may ultimately determine the success or failure of an organization. Deloitte and Compliance Week, in their collaborative efforts, have administered a survey to annually assess corporate America's ability to keep up with these rising expectations and to address issues and concerns resulting from current trends.

May 1, 2014

Understanding Risk Appetite

In order for directors to oversee risk management effectively, there must be a clear understanding of what constitutes the organization’s risk appetite. The concept of a risk appetite is fairly new and can be a bit confusing. A recent thought paper by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) seeks to explain risk appetite in “plain English.” The thought paper defines risk appetite, describes how to develop a risk appetite statement, and explains the oversight role of the board in the development of the risk appetite process