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Jan 24, 2020

Predictive Risk Intelligence Strategies

Predictive Risk Intelligence, or PRI, is the future of risk management. The article, published by Deloitte, introduces the concept, explains monitoring methods and provides examples as to how advanced analytics can help organizations prepare for emerging risks by leveraging both internal and external data sources. This concept can provide value in many ways such as reducing manual intervention and the potential for human error and helping companies predict risk before the loss event occurs.

Jul 31, 2019

Endpoint Security Risks

Cyber security is an ever-changing risk with continuing innovation of new technologies. As new technologies develop, cyber-attacks evolve with the times. This results in organizations having a difficult time securing their endpoints and incurring substantial costs for each successful cyber-attack (an endpoint device is an internet-capable computer hardware device such as desktop computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets, and printers). This article focuses on a survey that was conducted to find how endpoint security is breaking down and what these organizations are doing to correct the issues.

Jan 29, 2019

Joint Venture Blind Spots and Strategies to Avoid Them

Joint ventures are developed through a five stage process requiring complex decisions to be made by varying teams. Joint venture success depends heavily on cross-process discipline throughout business planning and implementation while simultaneously be aware of and counteracting common blind spots. These blind spots are pressures that can undermine joint venture success. They include rushing to completion, a lack of leadership continuity, declining parent involvement, and insufficient planning to respond to changes in risk. This article discusses the causes of these blind spots and strategies to avoid them.

Jan 29, 2019

The Three Types of War Gaming

War gaming is a tool that is not utilized often enough by organizations. War gaming provides an organization with realistic situations and outcomes based on a certain set of information. There are three types of decisions that war gaming can have strong influences on which are product level decisions, portfolio level decisions, and market entry decisions. Each type of war gaming provides an assessment of how competitors will react to certain offerings and how they will innovate their own products. This will give an organization insight to make the necessary changes to their services or products to be successful in the market.

May 16, 2017

Why Teams Often Make Riskier Decisions Than Individuals (and What You Can Do About It)

Dr. Brad Kirkman, General (Ret.) H. Hugh Shelton Distinguished Professor of Leadership, NC State University Poole College of Management, Shares his insights about how decisions made by teams may actually introduce more risks than when decisions are made individually. He also provides tips for how to counter that concern.

Feb 1, 2017

Riskiness of Incentive Compensation Plans

Reassessing existing incentive compensation plans has become a more significant and common agenda for many corporations. It has become increasingly evident that these incentive plans have driven questionable employee behavior and resulted in damaging consequences and reputations for businesses. The responsibility of many boards of directors now includes the assessment of whether there are proper processes in place to identify and mitigate the potential risks that come with these incentive compensation programs. This article from Deloitte discusses in detail their recommendations for how boards and compensation committees should conduct these risk reviews.

Apr 22, 2016

Taking a Strategic Approach to Emerging Risks

Bonnie V. Hancock, Executive Director of North Carolina State University's ERM Initiative, addresses techniques that might simplify the process of prioritizing risk.

Apr 1, 2016

Supply Chain Risk Management

Supplier management has recently emerged as an important area for risk management. As globalization has changed the business world drastically this past century, companies now have complex global networks from which they buy and sell products. Given this, Baylor University's Hankamer School of Business conducted research to determine supplier risk management practices. Their findings are based on interviews with 33 companies including KPMG, Johnson & Johnson, Coca Cola, and IBM to name a few. This abstract summarizes some of the key points in this document.

Nov 11, 2015

A Simpler Way to Assess Risks?

The vast majority of companies assess risks by evaluating both the likelihood that a risk event will occur and the impact of the risk event if it does occur. The actual ranking of risks is then determined by either calculating the product of likelihood x impact scores, or in some cases the sum of a risk's likelihood and impact scores. When using this methodology, the organization must develop rating scales for both likelihood and impact (and any other dimensions to be assessed, such as velocity or preparedness) as well as definitions for each point on the scales.

Oct 26, 2015

A Chief Compliance Officer’s Role in Risk Management

Risks, rules, and regulations: Can today's chief compliance officers keep up? It is commonly known that a company's ability to assess and manage risks to meet stakeholder expectations may ultimately determine the success or failure of an organization. Deloitte and Compliance Week, in their collaborative efforts, have administered a survey to annually assess corporate America's ability to keep up with these rising expectations and to address issues and concerns resulting from current trends.