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Board Communication

Feb 8, 2022

Six Practices to Future-Proof Your Company

As companies rebuild their workforces in the aftermath of Covid-19, they must move into the digital age to future-proof their operations and give them a competitive advantage. A recent Harvard Business Review article, "Future-Proofing Your Organization," draws on research by Bain & Company involving more than 300 large firms in every sector of the global economy. The authors identify six recommended practices for companies to follow as they recover from the pandemic to create technology-enabled workforces for future success.

Nov 18, 2021

Looking for a better way to report risk information to management?

The ERM Initiative is pleased to provide this new case study, “Management Dashboards: Visualizing Enterprise Risks”, that illustrates a number of different ways organizations are embedding risk insights into management’s dashboard reports.  The report was prepared by graduate students in the Poole College of Management at North Carolina State University based on input they received from 19 companies covering 9 industries including healthcare, financial services, pharmaceuticals, utilities, and wholesale/retail trades. 

Getting Started with ERM for Nonprofits

Jul 14, 2021

Getting Started with Enterprise Risk Management: A Guide for Nonprofits

A video discussion of, "Getting Started with Enterprise Risk Management: A Guide for Nonprofits."

Jul 14, 2021

Getting Started with ERM: A Guide for Nonprofits Templates

The ERM Initiative at NC State is pleased to offer this resource, Getting Started with Enterprise Risk Management: A Guide for Nonprofits. The guide includes a comprehensive set of practical tools and templates that organizations can download and use to advance their risk governance practices to navigate today’s rapidly changing risk landscape. 

Chuck Saia

Feb 15, 2021

Enhancing Risk Management Governance and Leadership: Traits to Consider

Chuck Saia, Senior Partner at Deloitte shares insights about risk management leadership and governance in a discussion with ERM Initiative Director Mark Beasley.

Dec 9, 2020

Tools for Escalating Risk Issues to the C-Suite and Board

This thought paper, Tools for Escalating Risk Issues to the C-Suite and Board, by Marc Beasley and Jeff Lovern, provides a flexible tool/template to facilitate risk reporting to senior management and the board. Organizations are navigating a multitude of risks triggered by the ongoing pandemic and business leaders are also faced with numerous other significant events. These developments are rapidly presenting a web of challenges that need the immediate attention of C-Suite executives and boards.

Apr 1, 2020

2020 The State of Risk Oversight: An Overview of Enterprise Risk Management Practices

2020 The State of Risk Oversight: An Overview of Enterprise Risk Management Practices

Bruce Branson and Jennifer MacKethan

Feb 18, 2020

Advanced Risk Scoring Techniques

Jennifer MacKethan of Cisco Capital discusses advanced risk scoring techniques that Cisco Capital employs in their risk assessment exercises.

Jul 30, 2019

CEO and Board Risk Management

Senior leaders often view threats in a vacuum, acknowledging their existence but missing the mark on how best to solve them. These leaders tend to know that threats are on the horizon but, in many cases, are not managing them in a strategic way. They are not seeing these critical threats as interconnected, complex risks that, when managed correctly, could create opportunities for accelerating growth. Managing risk is a critical facet of the roles of CEOs and board members. This is particularly true in today's environment of ongoing disruption, innovation, and technological change.

Nov 29, 2016

Five Recurring Themes for Enhancing Risk Oversight

Article by Mark S. Beasley: Over the past month I have had the opportunity to meet and talk with a number of risk management executives who have engaged with us at our ERM Initiative Advisory Board meeting, our ERM Roundtable Summit, and our inaugural ERM in Higher Education workshop, and I have traveled to Europe to participate in ERM conferences there. In all these experiences I have observed a number of common themes related to opportunities to strengthen ERM processes. These opportunities seem to transcend organizational size, industry, and geographic location. Let me highlight five challenges that ERM leaders view as opportunities to strengthen the value of their organization's ERM efforts.