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ERM Fundamentals

Aug 16, 2021

Strengthening Operational Resilience in a Post-Pandemic Environment

In a post-pandemic environment, organizations worldwide are implementing risk management strategies to create more resilient future operations. Operational resilience is the organization's ability to prepare responses to be in a position to recover quickly from disruptive events and continue to function amid challenging events. In its thought paper, Operational Resilience: Considerations for Boards, the C-Suite and Enterprisewide Implementation, Protiviti outlines top considerations for business leaders as they build resilience to support disruptions of an organization's ability to deliver goods and services, regardless of the severity of the event. Protiviti highlights a number of key concepts and practices for C-suite leaders, considerations for the board in overseeing operational resilience, and a checklist of essential elements to implement a resilience plan.

Jul 14, 2021

Getting Started with ERM: A Guide for Nonprofits Templates

The ERM Initiative at NC State is pleased to offer this resource, Getting Started with Enterprise Risk Management: A Guide for Nonprofits. The guide includes a comprehensive set of practical tools and templates that organizations can download and use to advance their risk governance practices to navigate today’s rapidly changing risk landscape. 

Getting Started with ERM for Nonprofits

Jul 14, 2021

Getting Started with Enterprise Risk Management: A Guide for Nonprofits

A video discussion of, "Getting Started with Enterprise Risk Management: A Guide for Nonprofits."

May 4, 2021

2021 The State of Risk Oversight: An Overview of Enterprise Risk Management Practices – 12th Edition

This 2021 State of Risk Oversight Report highlights over 40 different aspects of risk management practices that readers can use to benchmark their risk management processes along several dimensions. It also includes Calls to Action and an Evaluation Template that executives can use to quickly assess their risk management programs.

Bob Kolasky

Apr 28, 2021

Overview of the National Risk Management Center at the Department of Homeland Security

Mark Beasley interviews Bob Kolasky, Assistant Director, CISA within the Department of Homeland Security about the work of the National Risk Management Center (NRMC).

Kate Kraycirik

Mar 23, 2021

Engaging Enterprise Resiliency Teams

An Interview with Kate Kraycirik, Director of ERM at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Feb 3, 2021

REPORT: Executive Perspectives on Top Risks for 2021 & 2030

The ERM Initiative in the Poole College of Management at North Carolina State University, in conjunction with global consulting firm Protiviti, annually surveys boards of directors and C-suite executives about risks on the horizon for the upcoming year. This report, 2021 & 2030 Executive Perspectives on Top Risks, highlights top risks of immediate concern on the minds of executives for 2021 - and for the long-term - 2030.

Jan 4, 2021

Improving Management Review Controls

Mark Beasley, Alan T. Dickson Distinguished Professor of Accounting and Director of the Enterprise Risk Management Initiative in the Poole College of Management at NC State University, is the co-author (along with John Fogarty and Doug Prawitt) of a thought paper, Perspectives on Management Review Controls: Challenges and Solutions, released by the Center for Audit Quality.  This thought paper provides information and insight on issues surrounding the design, implementation, execution, and documentation of MRCs. 

Dec 9, 2020

Tools for Escalating Risk Issues to the C-Suite and Board

This thought paper, Tools for Escalating Risk Issues to the C-Suite and Board, by Marc Beasley and Jeff Lovern, provides a flexible tool/template to facilitate risk reporting to senior management and the board. Organizations are navigating a multitude of risks triggered by the ongoing pandemic and business leaders are also faced with numerous other significant events. These developments are rapidly presenting a web of challenges that need the immediate attention of C-Suite executives and boards.

Jun 17, 2020

ISO’s Risk Management Framework

ISO’s Risk Management-Guidelines is a widely embraced framework for implementing ERM in any type of organization.  Issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO 31000:2018 provides guidelines on managing risks to help business leaders create and protect entity value through the management of risks in the context of decision making. The Framework bases the management of risks on principles, a framework, and process.