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Mar 1, 2009

Ten Practical Lessons for Risk Management

Recent events have uncovered significant deficiencies in the way risks are managed at financial institutions and many other companies. Research into these deficiencies shows ten practical lessons companies can apply to address current weaknesses and strengthen risk management systems. By wielding appropriate authority, gaining support from senior management, and thoroughly examining the models and incentive systems used, risk managers can greatly improve companies' risk management systems.

Feb 1, 2009

Internal Auditors Partnership with Management

Internal auditors in the past have been used to examine how well management is performing and how well the company is operating. Now there is a need for internal auditors to work in conjunction with management to oversee risks. CHAN Healthcare Auditors realized this change in internal audit and has developed an audit process and tool that allows for a more effective approach to risk management. Even though the approach is mainly geared towards the healthcare industry, it can be used in numerous industries to determine companywide and departmental vulnerabilities.

Jan 1, 2009

Limitations of Traditional Risk Models in Forecasting Risk

The current economic crisis has upset many common assumptions about the global financial system and shaken investor confidence. While there are unique aspects to this crisis, it is important to understand that severe economic crises in general are not rare events. Traditional methods of modeling risk often fail to reflect the frequency of declines and when these declines will occur. It is important for investors to rely on more than the output from traditional risk models in assessing the potential risk associated with investments.

Oct 22, 2008

Role of Risk Managers and Continuity Planning

Risk management executives have come to the realization that a cohesive corporate risk management strategy is needed in their companies. They are becoming more involved with business continuity planning and helping with preparedness, mitigation, and recovery for operations.

Sep 1, 2008

Managing Risks for Comparative Advantage: Five Steps to Better Risk Management

This articles highlights a five-step process to help companies make changes to better their approach to risk management in response to the developments occurring in the corporate approach to risk management: 1. Identify and understand your major risks; 2. Decide which risks are natural; 3. Determine your capacity and appetite for risk; 4. Embed risk in all decisions and processes; and 5. Align governance and organization around risk.

Mar 11, 2005

ERM and Business Continuity

There is a huge debate over the roles and positioning of risk management and business continuity management within organizations. Some argue one function should be subordinate to the other. The key, however, is that the organization must determine the functional scopes of each function and communicate the appropriate relationship of the two tasks. Each organization needs to decide the appropriate mixture of these two functions.

Dec 1, 2003

Impact of IT Risks on ERM

Many technological risks face modern organizations of all types and have become necessary considerations for general auditors. These risks can be placed into the five categories of access control, network security, data integrity, asset management, and software acquisition and development, all of which are necessary to consider even in businesses that function outside of technological markets. Framework should provide flexibility for change as technology changes yet mitigate risk through necessary restrictions.