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ERM Expert Insights

Bonnie Hancock and Steve Zawoyski

Jun 11, 2019

Emerging Trends in ERM

Steve Zawoyski, Partner and Head of the Enterprise Risk Management Capability Practice at PWC talks about trends he is seeing with clients’ ERM practices.

Dan Ortiz

May 14, 2019

Building Cross-Functional Risk Expertise

Dan Ortiz of Genworth Mortgage Insurance discusses building cross-functional risk expertise.

Apr 2, 2019

2019 The State of Risk Oversight:  An Overview of Enterprise Risk Management Practices – 10th Edition

While most executives perceive that uncertainties in the business environment are leading to more complex risk challenges for their organizations, few executives describe their organization’s approach to risk management as mature or robust, according to a recently released study, 2019 The State of Risk Oversight: An Overview of Enterprise Risk Management Practices. That may be changing, given the majority of organizations have external stakeholders and boards of directors who are calling for more extensive management involvement in risk oversight. Furthermore, business leaders admit that they are not at all or only minimally satisfied with the nature and extent of internal reporting of key risk indicators.

Jan 24, 2019

Are You Trying to Embed ERM Thinking Deeper in Your Organization?

Extending the Reach of ERM: Techniques for Engaging More Employees

Angela Hoon

Jan 17, 2019

Analyzing Root Causes of Risks

Angela Hoon, Executive Director of Strategic Risk Management at General Motors talks about how her organization analyzes root causes of top risks in order to identify common triggers and points of interconnection.

Jan 8, 2019

The Value Proposition for ERM: From Intangible to Tangible

This case study, The Value Proposition for ERM: From Intangible to Tangible, provides great examples of ways that ERM has added value at six different companies.

David Hughes and Bonnie Hancock

Aug 14, 2018

Conducting Annual Risk Interviews

David Hughes, Assistant Vice President, ERM and Business Continuity Planning at HCA Healthcare talks about how HCA conducts annual risk interviews as part of an ERM process that has been in place for over 15 years.

Rob Gould

Jul 11, 2018

Conducting Black Swan Workshops

Rob Gould, Director, Internal Audit at Harley-Davidson talks about conducting Black Swan workshops. 

Beverley Harrington Leacock

Jun 7, 2018

Getting an ERM Process Started

Beverley Harrington Leacock, Director of ERM at Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC) talks about how her organization started and gained traction with their ERM process.

Takis Martakis

May 17, 2018

Measuring and Assessing Culture in Regards to Risk Management

Takis Martakis, Global Head of People Risk and Culture at Credit Suisse discusses how the company is measuring and assessing the organization’s culture across different business units.