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ERM Fundamentals

Jan 29, 2019

Trends in Crisis Management & Strategies to Survive a Crisis

There is an increased emphasis on crisis management by organizations around the world as both the frequency of crises and the impact of these crises are growing. An organization should consider past crises, crisis leadership, perceived versus actual preparedness, proactive crisis management, and third party involvement. Read this article to learn more about these considerations and the current trends in crisis management.

Jan 29, 2019

Behaviors That Shape Corporate Culture

Corporate culture and the behaviors that shape them are always a hot topic amongst c-level management, journalists, consultants and employees of the organization. There is a traditional and typically accepted viewpoint that altering the mindsets of employees with fancy phrases and showcasing the desired qualities of culture will lead to behavior change due to employees’ willingness to conform to the new standards. However, corporate culture has three dimensions that affect its alignment which are symbolic reminders, keystone behaviors, and mind-sets. Contrary to popular belief, behavioral changes will have the longest lasting impact on culture.

Jan 29, 2019

Strategic Risk Transformation for Organizations

Strategic risks are important now more than ever in the economic environment we live in. Regulatory risks arise each year, along with new emerging risks from technology and innovation. That is why it is so critical for organizations to consider their strategy and how it effects their risks. This article summarizes a structured process set out by Deloitte on how to identify risks, and then implement a plan to transform your company to be protected from catastrophic events and to minimize the damage caused by these events.

Jan 24, 2019

Are You Trying to Embed ERM Thinking Deeper in Your Organization?

Extending the Reach of ERM: Techniques for Engaging More Employees

Jan 8, 2019

The Value Proposition for ERM: From Intangible to Tangible

This case study, The Value Proposition for ERM: From Intangible to Tangible, provides great examples of ways that ERM has added value at six different companies.

Jun 26, 2018

The Relationship between Internal Controls, ERM, and the Business Model

COSO's Improving Organizational Performance and Governance discusses how COSO's Internal Control Integrated Framework and COSO's ERM Integrated Framework relate to the standard business model. The frameworks can contribute to an organization's long-term success. The key takeaway is that good risk management and internal control are necessary for the long term success of all organizations. Improving organizational performance and governance will support this goal.

Jun 26, 2018

COSO Releases Examples of Framework Applications

The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) has released an important supplement to its 2017 Enterprise Risk Management – Integrating with Strategy and Performance. This compendium to the 2017 framework includes detailed examples for applying principles from the updated ERM Framework to day-to-day practices. The compendium of examples recognizes the connection between ERM and strategic setting and organizational performance and includes examples across a wide range of industries. Each illustration in the compendium was developed from industry practices identified through extensive research, including interviews and case studies.

Beverley Harrington Leacock

Jun 7, 2018

Getting an ERM Process Started

Beverley Harrington Leacock, Director of ERM at Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC) talks about how her organization started and gained traction with their ERM process.

Dec 7, 2017

2018 Top Risks Report: Executive Perspectives on Top Risks for 2018

Executive Perspectives on Top Risks for 2018, summarizes the top risks that executives and board members see on the horizon for 2018 and it provides an analysis of top risk concerns.

Sep 11, 2017

COSO Revises Its ERM Framework

COSO's 2017 Updated ERM Framework Guidance