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Jan 8, 2019

The Value Proposition for ERM: From Intangible to Tangible

This case study, The Value Proposition for ERM: From Intangible to Tangible, provides great examples of ways that ERM has added value at six different companies.

Sep 22, 2016

Case Studies on Key Risk Indicators

NC State's ERM Initiative is pleased to release a thought paper, Key Risk Reporting and Key Risk Indicators, that highlights three case study illustrations of how organizations have developed effective processes for reporting risk information. These case studies are based on real life examples of how companies have addressed the need for effective risk measures.

May 11, 2016

Case Studies on Integration of ERM with Strategy

NC State University's ERM Initiative is pleased to release a new thought paper, Integration of ERM with Strategy, that highlights three case study illustrations of how organizations have successfully integrated their enterprise-wide risk management efforts with their value creating initiatives. These case studies are based on real life examples of how companies have attempted to better integrate their ERM process within their strategic planning process.

Dec 10, 2015

Reporting Key Risk Information to the Board of Directors

The new thought paper on reporting key risk information to the Board of Directors highlights common practices used within organizations to communicate risk information.

Dec 7, 2015

How to Effectively Report Key Risks to Board

How to effectively report key risks to the Board, supported with various examples and supporting information.

Nov 10, 2015

ERM Initiative Releases New Thought Paper on Risk Assessment Practices

ERM Initiative Releases New Thought Paper on Risk Assessment Practices

Jan 3, 2011

Impact of Risk Management Failures on the Financial Crisis

A report released by The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission presents findings and conclusions related to the causes of the 2008-2010 financial and economic crisis in the United States. Failures of corporate governance and risk management at many systemically important financial institutions are among key causes of the crisis, as concluded by the Commission.

Dec 21, 2010

Case Study Illustrations of Launching ERM

The AICPA's Business, Industry & Government Team commissioned faculty in the ERM Initiative to develop case study illustrations of how organizations have successfully launched ERM. Case Studies on ERM Implementations: Practical Illustrations for Launching Effective Enterprise Risk Oversight takes readers directly into the experience of a company as it is starting ERM and details each step of initiating and implementing enterprise-wide risk oversight. The central case study highlights several practical illustrations for jump-starting ERM. The guide also includes two shorter case studies to further enhance your understanding of ERM implementation.

Jul 1, 2010

How Did BP’s Risk Management Lead to Failure?

The news has been flooded with updates on the environmental impact of the BP oil spill on the gulf coast and the economic impact on businesses in the surrounding areas. Many are wondering: How could something like this happen? Why has it taken so long to fix? What was BP management thinking? The answers to these questions are centered on one element the financial world has been buzzing about since the financial crisis: risk management. This article points out the critical components of risk management that were absent at BP and compares them to the basic principles any company should employ to successfully manage risks.

Mar 24, 2006

Home Depot’s Approach to ERM

David Whatley, vice president for risk management at Atlanta-based Home Depot Inc., spoke on March 24th to 130 business professionals at the second of three Spring 2006 ERM Roundtables. Whatley described Home Depot’s approach to managing risks at the world’s largest home improvement retailer.