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May 4, 2021

2021 The State of Risk Oversight: An Overview of Enterprise Risk Management Practices – 12th Edition

This 2021 State of Risk Oversight Report highlights over 40 different aspects of risk management practices that readers can use to benchmark their risk management processes along several dimensions. It also includes Calls to Action and an Evaluation Template that executives can use to quickly assess their risk management programs.

Apr 1, 2020

2020 The State of Risk Oversight: An Overview of Enterprise Risk Management Practices

2020 The State of Risk Oversight: An Overview of Enterprise Risk Management Practices

Dec 12, 2019

Top Risks Report 2020: Executive Perspectives on Top Risks for 2020

The ERM Initiative in the Poole College of Management at NC State University, in conjunction with global consulting firm Protiviti, annually surveys boards of directors and C-suite executives about risks on the horizon for the upcoming year.

Apr 2, 2019

2019 The State of Risk Oversight:  An Overview of Enterprise Risk Management Practices – 10th Edition

While most executives perceive that uncertainties in the business environment are leading to more complex risk challenges for their organizations, few executives describe their organization’s approach to risk management as mature or robust, according to a recently released study, 2019 The State of Risk Oversight: An Overview of Enterprise Risk Management Practices. That may be changing, given the majority of organizations have external stakeholders and boards of directors who are calling for more extensive management involvement in risk oversight. Furthermore, business leaders admit that they are not at all or only minimally satisfied with the nature and extent of internal reporting of key risk indicators.

Mar 20, 2018

2018 The State of Risk Oversight: An Overview of Enterprise Risk Management Practices

2018 The State of Risk Oversight: An Overview of Enterprise Risk Management Practices (9th Edition)

Dec 7, 2017

2018 Top Risks Report: Executive Perspectives on Top Risks for 2018

Executive Perspectives on Top Risks for 2018, summarizes the top risks that executives and board members see on the horizon for 2018 and it provides an analysis of top risk concerns.

Feb 23, 2017

2017 The State of Risk Oversight Report: An Overview of Enterprise Risk Management Practices

Explore the 2017 State of Risk Oversight report by NC State’s ERM Initiative and the AICPA, offering insights from executives on the maturity of ERM practices across various industries.

Aug 25, 2016

2016 The State of Risk Oversight Report: An Overview of Enterprise Risk Management Practices

Explore the 2016 State of Risk Oversight report by NC State’s ERM Initiative and the AICPA, offering insights from executives on the maturity of ERM practices across various industries.

Jun 16, 2014

2014 Research Report on Current State of Enterprise Risk Management

The 2014 Research Report on Enterprise Risk Management provides insights from 446 executives across various industries, exploring the maturity of ERM processes in their organizations.

May 3, 2010

COSO Fraud Study 2010

The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (commonly known as COSO) has released the study, Fraudulent Financial Reporting: 1998-2007, An Analysis of U.S. Public Companies, that examines financial statement fraud allegations investigated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission over a ten-year period. The study provides an in-depth analysis of the nature, extent, and characteristics of accounting frauds and provides helpful insights regarding new and ongoing issues that need to be addressed. The study examines nearly 350 alleged accounting fraud cases investigated by the SEC during the period, 1998-2007. Mark Beasley, Deloitte Professor of Enterprise Risk Management at NC State is one of the study's co-authors.