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ERM Initiative Staff

Feb 11, 2020

Effective ERM Can Promote Stakeholder Balance

This article provides an overview of the Business Roundtable (BRT) Statement on the Purpose of the Corporation.

Don Pagach and Rick Moyer

Feb 4, 2020

Integrating ERM, Compliance, and Audit to Provide a Comprehensive View

Rick Moyer, CRO at Stanford University, provides insights on to help others better integrate ERM, compliance and internal audit.

Jan 24, 2020

Preventing Metrics from Replacing Your Strategy

Explore how linking metrics to strategy can lead to surrogation risks, exemplified by Wells Fargo. Learn best practices to align metrics with strategic goals and maintain ethical practices.

Jan 24, 2020

How Corporate Responsibility Creates Value

Discover why Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) matters for organizations. Learn how aligning CSR with strategy improves financial performance, boosts investor confidence, and creates a competitive advantage.

Jan 24, 2020

Categorical Thinking

Categorical thinking is the old-school thinking style and change is necessary in order to succeed in the modern day economy. This article from Harvard Business Review provides an in-depth analysis of the four most important dangers created by categorical thinking through a series of real-world examples and studies. The authors proposed a simple four-step process to combat those dangers and best prepare business leaders for the next wave of the data revolution.

Jan 24, 2020

Predictive Risk Intelligence Strategies

Predictive Risk Intelligence, or PRI, is the future of risk management. The article, published by Deloitte, introduces the concept, explains monitoring methods and provides examples as to how advanced analytics can help organizations prepare for emerging risks by leveraging both internal and external data sources. This concept can provide value in many ways such as reducing manual intervention and the potential for human error and helping companies predict risk before the loss event occurs.

Jan 24, 2020

Preparing for an Uncertain Future: Scenario Planning and War-Gaming

A Risk Intelligent Enterprise puts an organization in the best position to plan for and manage risks, take advantage of opportunities and be flexible enough to respond as the environment changes and risks arise in the future. In doing so, an organization can engage in various strategic initiatives and risk management efforts to identify and mitigate the impact of uncertain futures. This article published by Deloitte, outlines two tools to help companies think outside the box and perform a what-if analysis to gain a wider view of future events that could impact an organization's ability to achieve its strategic objectives.

Jan 24, 2020

Embracing the Future Workforce

Technological advances like AI and automation will reshape the workforce. PwC’s thought paper explores four potential worlds of work and the critical skills employees will need to thrive.

Jan 16, 2020

Transforming Reputation Risk Management

Explore how organizations can proactively manage reputation risk by separating signals from noise, identifying third-rail issues, and forecasting long-tail crises to protect their brand and mitigate financial losses.

Jan 9, 2020

The Art & Science of Key Risk Indicators: A Case Study Analysis

Many organizations struggle to develop Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) that will provideearly warnings that risks may be more likely to materialize. This case study looks at 5 different organizations that have put KRIs in place and delves into the timing and rationale behind KRI implementation as well as the methods used to develop KRIs and the ongoing risk reporting and monitoring.