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Jul 30, 2019

Creating Value from Risk

Are senior executives and organizational stakeholders placing too much confidence in their organization’s risk management capabilities? Deloitte recently surveyed board members and the C-suite to find out how capable these organizations are at integrating risk management within their pursuit of value creation. Deloitte’s main findings point to major overconfidence that should be taken as a warning sign: many stakeholders are likely overstating their risk awareness and capabilities.

Jan 29, 2019

Behaviors That Shape Corporate Culture

Corporate culture and the behaviors that shape them are always a hot topic amongst c-level management, journalists, consultants and employees of the organization. There is a traditional and typically accepted viewpoint that altering the mindsets of employees with fancy phrases and showcasing the desired qualities of culture will lead to behavior change due to employees’ willingness to conform to the new standards. However, corporate culture has three dimensions that affect its alignment which are symbolic reminders, keystone behaviors, and mind-sets. Contrary to popular belief, behavioral changes will have the longest lasting impact on culture.

Jan 4, 2019

Recognizing the Shamrock Organization and Emerging Risks It May Create

When you think about your organization’s workforce and its related talent needs, there are a number of dynamics to consider. We have all heard about the Millennials and we are beginning to learn about the group that follows them - often referred to as the iGeneration or the Homeland Generation - who bring different skills and expectations to the workforce. Organizations are experiencing the graying of their talent as the boomers are aging. Unprecedented advancements in technology, including the impact with artificial intelligence and digital transformation, are changing how organizations develop and deliver products or services. These developments along with record low unemployment are intensifying skill shortages. And a company named Uber has taught us about the new Gig economy. How will these trends impact the workforce structure for organizations, thereby introducing new types of emerging risks for executives and boards to consider?

Jun 26, 2018

The Relationship between Internal Controls, ERM, and the Business Model

COSO's Improving Organizational Performance and Governance discusses how COSO's Internal Control Integrated Framework and COSO's ERM Integrated Framework relate to the standard business model. The frameworks can contribute to an organization's long-term success. The key takeaway is that good risk management and internal control are necessary for the long term success of all organizations. Improving organizational performance and governance will support this goal.

Mar 6, 2018

The Risks of Persuasion

Jeff Pollack, the Lynn T. Clark II Distinguished Professor of Entreprenuership at NC State University, shares his insights about the art of persuasion, which may be particularly relevant for ERM leaders as they promote the value of risk management within their organizations.

Sep 14, 2017

Managing Risks of Using Teams Through 3D Team Leadership

Dr. Brad Kirkman, General (Ret.) H. Hugh Shelton Distinguished Professor of Leadership NC State University Poole College of Management, discusses the impacts of 3D Team Leadership.

Jul 25, 2017

Today’s Risk Management Challenges: It’s a Small World After All

   In late June, I spoke at a conference in Italy focused on risk management and organizational change.  Those in attendance included both business professionals and academics interested in understanding…

Jun 27, 2017

What is More Important for Creating Successful Teams, Design or Coaching?

   Dr. Brad Kirkman, General (Ret.) H. Hugh Shelton Distinguished Professor of Leadership, NC State University Poole College of Management. His research focuses on leadership, international management, virtual teams, and work…

May 16, 2017

Why Teams Often Make Riskier Decisions Than Individuals (and What You Can Do About It)

Dr. Brad Kirkman, General (Ret.) H. Hugh Shelton Distinguished Professor of Leadership, NC State University Poole College of Management, Shares his insights about how decisions made by teams may actually introduce more risks than when decisions are made individually. He also provides tips for how to counter that concern.

Feb 1, 2017

Riskiness of Incentive Compensation Plans

Reassessing existing incentive compensation plans has become a more significant and common agenda for many corporations. It has become increasingly evident that these incentive plans have driven questionable employee behavior and resulted in damaging consequences and reputations for businesses. The responsibility of many boards of directors now includes the assessment of whether there are proper processes in place to identify and mitigate the potential risks that come with these incentive compensation programs. This article from Deloitte discusses in detail their recommendations for how boards and compensation committees should conduct these risk reviews.