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Operational Risk

Jun 11, 2013

Focusing on Property Risk Management

Risk events such as fires, adverse weather conditions, and terrorist attacks can have devastating effects on an organization's facilities and physical infrastructure. If ineffectively managed, core operations can be paralyzed, assets can be destroyed, and key IP may be compromised. In May 2013, Advisen Ltd. conducted a large survey of risk managers and property brokers in order to gain perspective on the status of property risk management efforts among businesses operating in the United States and abroad. The survey asked questions around two main themes: 1) what are companies doing, if anything, to specifically manage threats to the physical property and resources of the business, and 2) what are the key characteristics and practices of successful property risk managers? This white paper provides an overview of the survey and its results, which may provide useful benchmarking data for risk leaders.

Jun 1, 2012

Categorizing Risks for More Effective Risk Management

Organizations often employ a rules-based model to manage risk; however history suggests that such an approach may not be an effective way to manage all types of risk. This Harvard Business Review article provides a framework for thinking about risk management that is centered on breaking an organization’s risks into three categories. The authors demonstrate, through real-world examples, how each category of risk is best managed through certain types of risk management mechanisms. Each of these mechanisms plays a role in strengthening the organization’s overall risk management function.

May 1, 2012

Risks Associated with Product Development

With over 50 years of experience in advising companies on product development efforts, the authors of this Harvard Business Review article present six flawed assumptions that bring rise to risks associated with product development. Product development managers often follow conventional assumptions to execute their projects effectively and efficiently based on the belief that these lead to the most productive approach. But often, risks associated with product development rise due to fallacies in these assumptions causing major delays, glacial progress, and costly failures.

Jul 1, 2011

Managing Human Capital Risk

Though companies recognize the high impact of Human Capital Risk (HCR), many still have immature HCR management processes, if any. The Conference Board researched companies based in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific to evaluate current HCR management practices. Companies with Strategic Workforce Planning (SWP) indicated better HCR maturity. The research in this article also highlights a need for HR and ERM executives to engage each other more to better understand risks associated with their human capital management.

Jan 3, 2011

Increasing Complexity Creates Challenges for Risk Management

Managing complexity is quickly becoming one of the greatest challenges for large organizations today. A white paper published by KPMG presents findings related to a study of the causes and impact of complexity affecting large companies. The pace of change and global interconnections in business have resulted in increasing complexity, creating significant risk management challenges for companies. Increased risks to manage emerged as one of the greatest challenges created by complexity, according to the study.

Jul 1, 2010

How Did BP’s Risk Management Lead to Failure?

The news has been flooded with updates on the environmental impact of the BP oil spill on the gulf coast and the economic impact on businesses in the surrounding areas. Many are wondering: How could something like this happen? Why has it taken so long to fix? What was BP management thinking? The answers to these questions are centered on one element the financial world has been buzzing about since the financial crisis: risk management. This article points out the critical components of risk management that were absent at BP and compares them to the basic principles any company should employ to successfully manage risks.

May 1, 2009

Seven Question Guide to Assessing Your Enterprise Risk Management Practices

Risk professionals should consider seven questions in evaluating risk management tools, improving risk management practices, and assessing the state of ERM in an organization. Professionals should ask these seven questions: (1) if the risk management process really assesses risk; (2) if the risk assessment is context-driven; (3) if the risk management process address root causes of failure; (4) what business performance says about risk; (5) what the organization's risks say about its controls; (6) what the organization's controls say about its risks; and (7) if the professionals and their organizations are up for the task of risk management.

Mar 1, 2009

Ten Practical Lessons for Risk Management

Recent events have uncovered significant deficiencies in the way risks are managed at financial institutions and many other companies. Research into these deficiencies shows ten practical lessons companies can apply to address current weaknesses and strengthen risk management systems. By wielding appropriate authority, gaining support from senior management, and thoroughly examining the models and incentive systems used, risk managers can greatly improve companies' risk management systems.

Feb 1, 2009

Internal Auditors Partnership with Management

Internal auditors in the past have been used to examine how well management is performing and how well the company is operating. Now there is a need for internal auditors to work in conjunction with management to oversee risks. CHAN Healthcare Auditors realized this change in internal audit and has developed an audit process and tool that allows for a more effective approach to risk management. Even though the approach is mainly geared towards the healthcare industry, it can be used in numerous industries to determine companywide and departmental vulnerabilities.

Oct 22, 2008

Role of Risk Managers and Continuity Planning

Risk management executives have come to the realization that a cohesive corporate risk management strategy is needed in their companies. They are becoming more involved with business continuity planning and helping with preparedness, mitigation, and recovery for operations.