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Risk Culture

May 1, 2008

ERM: The Importance of Senior Management Buy-In and Leadership

The Midwest Audit Committee Network met to discuss effective ways for boards and audit committees to oversee enterprise-wide risk management. The network is a group of audit committee chairs drawn from leading Midwest companies of varying size. This article captures the overall tone of the comments and outlines the conclusions drawn by the committee. While specific quotes are highlighted to emphasize a point, the speaker’s identity is kept confidential.

Mar 24, 2006

Home Depot’s Approach to ERM

David Whatley, vice president for risk management at Atlanta-based Home Depot Inc., spoke on March 24th to 130 business professionals at the second of three Spring 2006 ERM Roundtables. Whatley described Home Depot’s approach to managing risks at the world’s largest home improvement retailer.

Sep 1, 2004

COSO’s “Enterprise Risk Management – Integrated Framework”

"This Enterprise Risk Management – Integrated Framework expands on internal control, providing a more robust and extensive focus on the broader subject of enterprise risk management. While it is not intended to and does not replace the internal control framework, but rather incorporates the internal control framework within it, companies may decide to look to this enterprise risk management framework both to satisfy their internal control needs and to move toward a fuller risk management process. Among the most critical challenges for managements is determining how much risk the entity is prepared to and does accept as it strives to create value. This report will better enable them to meet this challenge."