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ERM Initiative Staff

May 3, 2010

COSO Fraud Study 2010

The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (commonly known as COSO) has released the study, Fraudulent Financial Reporting: 1998-2007, An Analysis of U.S. Public Companies, that examines financial statement fraud allegations investigated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission over a ten-year period. The study provides an in-depth analysis of the nature, extent, and characteristics of accounting frauds and provides helpful insights regarding new and ongoing issues that need to be addressed. The study examines nearly 350 alleged accounting fraud cases investigated by the SEC during the period, 1998-2007. Mark Beasley, Deloitte Professor of Enterprise Risk Management at NC State is one of the study's co-authors.

Apr 1, 2010

A Survey of Recent Proxy Statement Disclosures

Explore how S&P 500 companies responded to the SEC's 2010 disclosure requirements, focusing on board risk oversight, enterprise risk management, and the integration of risk considerations into strategic planning.

Jan 1, 2010

Adding Value, Not Bureaucracy: Linking Governance, Enterprise Risk Management and Internal Controls

Explore the relationship between ERM, corporate governance, and internal controls. This article discusses how ERM enhances governance by integrating strategic risk management into corporate oversight.

Dec 1, 2009

A Balance Between Bureaucracy and Personalization

Neil Baker explores how the economic downturn exposed flaws in traditional risk management systems. Highlighting Bristol-Myers Squibb and The Home Depot, Baker illustrates the effectiveness of simple, personalized approaches to risk management over complex bureaucratic systems.

Nov 4, 2009

Strengthening Enterprise Risk Management for Strategic Advantage

COSO's Strengthening Enterprise Risk Management for Strategic Advantage focuses on specific areas where the board of directors and management can work together to improve the board's risk oversight responsibilities and ultimately enhance the entity's strategic value. This thought paper expands on COSO's Effective Enterprise Risk Oversight: The Role of the Board of Directors and provides further detail on the four specific areas discussed in that document.

Oct 1, 2009

Risk Governance: Balancing Risk and Reward

In October 2009, the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) issued a Blue Ribbon Commission report containing guidance for board members regarding how to strengthen their risk oversight practices. The report describes the importance of risk governance and strategic risk alignment, and highlights that the board should be fully responsible for risk oversight, only delegating tasks that might need a more specialized focus. At the end of the day, the board as a whole should be in charge of ensuring that management has aligned their strategy and risk appetite for the company.

Sep 1, 2009

Effective Enterprise Risk Oversight: The Role of the Board of Directors

COSO's Effective Enterprise Risk Oversight: The Role of the Board of Directors is focused on aiding boards of directors in strengthening their enterprise risk oversight responsibilities. The current economic crisis has caused the role of the board of directors to become far more challenging than in the past. The thought paper highlights critical board responsibilities by using four specific areas in COSO’s Enterprise Risk Management – Integrated Framework that contribute to board oversight of enterprise risk management.

Aug 1, 2009

A New Landscape for Risk Management and Oversight

Ernst & Young's research highlights the shift towards a holistic view of risk management, emphasizing dynamic risk assessments and the critical role of boards and audit committees in risk oversight. Explore essential questions for evaluating risk management processes and aligning them with company strategy.

Jul 1, 2009

Determining the Value of ERM

In the current economy, companies are under pressure to justify all major investments, including enterprise risk management (ERM). In this article, KPMG provides some common approaches for valuing ERM programs or ERM components. Placing a value on ERM can help companies realize the return of their investment through reduced costs, increased reputation, and improved decision-making.

Jun 1, 2009

Internal Audit’s Role in Managing Reputation Risk

Reputational risks and corporate missteps are having more significant impacts on bottom lines and stakeholder perceptions of companies than ever before. Therefore, companies are recognizing the importance of reputational risk and placing a greater emphasis on reputational risk management. Internal audit departments can play a significant role in helping companies manage reputational risks through their advisory and monitoring efforts.