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Bonnie Hancock and Steve Zawoyski

Jun 11, 2019

Emerging Trends in ERM

Steve Zawoyski, Partner and Head of the Enterprise Risk Management Capability Practice at PWC talks about trends he is seeing with clients’ ERM practices.

Apr 30, 2019

ERM and Sustainability

Over the last decade, corporations have begun paying increased attention to issues involving sustainability and risk oversight, and linking these efforts to an organization's strategy. Research and thought papers now are addressing the growing challenges related to water scarcity, resource availability, climate disruption, waste reduction, and corporate responsibility. Many organizations have embraced the new sustainability movement, but have discovered a wide-range of challenges before them. These initiatives sometimes appear as disjointed, or misunderstood, which lead to a number of problems when getting started.

Sep 1, 2015

Integrating Sustainability with Enterprise Risk Management

Sustainability policies have a meaningful role in managing risk, and can also promote faster growth. Have you ever heard the saying ‘you have to spend money to make money?’ This remains true for investments in sustainability and risk management - yes, investing money in sustainability and risk management will more than pay for itself. A white paper authored by James Lam and Frances Quinn and published by Workiva highlights the role and benefits sustainability plays in enterprise risk management and explains how to successfully integrate sustainability into the risk management framework.