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Risk Committees

Aug 1, 2009

A New Landscape for Risk Management and Oversight

Ernst & Young's research highlights the shift towards a holistic view of risk management, emphasizing dynamic risk assessments and the critical role of boards and audit committees in risk oversight. Explore essential questions for evaluating risk management processes and aligning them with company strategy.

Jun 1, 2008

Board-Level Risk Committees

Traditionally, senior risk executives have managed risk at the operational level of organizations. Boards have had general oversight responsibilities for risk, with audit or finance committees taking on more specific risk responsibilities. Now, with the heavy workloads of audit and finance committees and a trend towards implementing enterprise risk management (ERM) processes, many organizations are finding it beneficial to form separate board-level risk management committees. The risk content of an organization is often still addressed at the board level across many committees, while risk process is the focus of the separate risk committee.

Jun 19, 2007

Risk of Piling ERM on Audit Committee

Audit committees face growing pressure as risk overseers, juggling financial reporting and broader risk management. Learn how they can stay effective under the weight of these evolving responsibilities. Read more here.

Sep 1, 1997

Emergence of Chief Risk Officers

Discover how multinational organizations are adopting Chief Risk Officers (CROs) to manage the broadening dimensions of risk. Learn about the trends driving this change and the importance of integrated risk management frameworks in achieving business objectives.