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Strategic Risk

Jan 31, 2019

Articulating Risk Appetite

Colleen Larson discusses Emergent BioSolutions' tactical approach to defining risk appetite, offering practical guidance for aligning business decisions with risk tolerances across core areas of the company.

Jan 29, 2019

Joint Venture Blind Spots and Strategies to Avoid Them

Joint ventures are developed through a five stage process requiring complex decisions to be made by varying teams. Joint venture success depends heavily on cross-process discipline throughout business planning and implementation while simultaneously be aware of and counteracting common blind spots. These blind spots are pressures that can undermine joint venture success. They include rushing to completion, a lack of leadership continuity, declining parent involvement, and insufficient planning to respond to changes in risk. This article discusses the causes of these blind spots and strategies to avoid them.

Jan 29, 2019

The Three Types of War Gaming

War gaming is a tool that is not utilized often enough by organizations. War gaming provides an organization with realistic situations and outcomes based on a certain set of information. There are three types of decisions that war gaming can have strong influences on which are product level decisions, portfolio level decisions, and market entry decisions. Each type of war gaming provides an assessment of how competitors will react to certain offerings and how they will innovate their own products. This will give an organization insight to make the necessary changes to their services or products to be successful in the market.

Jan 29, 2019

Trends in Crisis Management & Strategies to Survive a Crisis

There is an increased emphasis on crisis management by organizations around the world as both the frequency of crises and the impact of these crises are growing. An organization should consider past crises, crisis leadership, perceived versus actual preparedness, proactive crisis management, and third party involvement. Read this article to learn more about these considerations and the current trends in crisis management.

Jan 29, 2019

Strategic Risk Transformation for Organizations

Strategic risks are important now more than ever in the economic environment we live in. Regulatory risks arise each year, along with new emerging risks from technology and innovation. That is why it is so critical for organizations to consider their strategy and how it effects their risks. This article summarizes a structured process set out by Deloitte on how to identify risks, and then implement a plan to transform your company to be protected from catastrophic events and to minimize the damage caused by these events.

Dec 13, 2018

Top Risks Report 2019: Executive Perspectives on Top Risks for 2019

Explore the top risks for 2019 identified by board members and executives, including digital readiness, talent retention, regulatory scrutiny, and cyber threats, based on a global survey by Protiviti and NC State’s ERM Initiative.

Nov 15, 2018

Rich Insights from NC State’s Fall 2018 ERM Roundtable Summit

The Fall 2018 ERM Roundtable Summit featured speakers from Hilton, SunTrust, and VF Corporation, offering practical insights into integrating risk culture with strategy. Learn how the updated COSO ERM Framework adds value to ERM processes.

Sep 11, 2018

Understanding Reputation Risk

Learn how organizations can tackle reputational risk, a key component of brand strategy. Chrystina Howard shares insights on incorporating reputation risk into risk assessments and offers actionable first steps.

Sep 4, 2018

Risk Assessment from COSO’s Perspective

Learn how COSO's risk assessment framework helps organizations manage risks effectively. Explore the key steps: developing assessment criteria, evaluating risk interactions, and prioritizing risks to align with strategic goals and enhance value creation.

Jul 19, 2018

Are Boards Focused on the Right Risks?

Learn how boards can shift from traditional risk oversight to a forward-looking approach that integrates risk management with strategy, addressing disruptive innovation and emerging geopolitical challenges.