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Risk Assessment

Feb 23, 2022

New Case Study: Using Scenario Planning to Consider Emerging Risks

Recent events have highlighted the importance of planning for an uncertain future.  The ERM Initiative is excited to release this new case study “A Look into The Future with Scenario Planning: A Survey of ERM Practices” that looks at ways multiple organizations use scenario planning to address uncertainty and identify the risks and opportunities that may arise under different conditions.  

Paula Herman

Feb 10, 2022

Managing Talent and Culture Risks

Paula Herman of Mecklenburg County Government shares insights about her views of the kinds of big-picture risks concerns for most organizations.

Feb 8, 2022

Imagining Unimaginable Risks

Risks take a variety of forms, many of which companies can proactively manage. But novel risks are much more difficult to predict and plan for and they may seem improbable, emerge from a perfect storm of events, or are unprecedentedly massive. In their 2020 Harvard Business Review article, "The Risks You Can't Foresee," authors Robert S. Kaplan, Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard and Annette Mikes define novel risks and then describe how to detect and respond to them to mitigate the risk impact on the business.

Feb 8, 2022

Six Practices to Future-Proof Your Company

As companies rebuild their workforces in the aftermath of Covid-19, they must move into the digital age to future-proof their operations and give them a competitive advantage. A recent Harvard Business Review article, "Future-Proofing Your Organization," draws on research by Bain & Company involving more than 300 large firms in every sector of the global economy. The authors identify six recommended practices for companies to follow as they recover from the pandemic to create technology-enabled workforces for future success.

Feb 8, 2022

Board Oversight of ESG and Diversity Risks

PwC's 2021 Annual Corporate Directors Survey gauges the views of public company directors across the United States. The survey results reveal the significant impact of the social, environmental and economic pressures companies have faced in recent years, including new risks for boards to address. The PwC report also sheds light on the changes boards are making in response to the dynamic environment.

Nov 2, 2021

2021 Global State of Enterprise Risk Oversight

2021 Global State of Risk Oversight Report, in collaboration with AICPA and CIMA.

Expert ERM Interview

Oct 6, 2021

New Resources: ERM Tools & Techniques

The ERM Initiative interviews John Fraser, Rob Quail and Betty Simkins about the 2nd edition of Enterprise Risk Management: Today’s Leading Research and Best Practices for Tomorrow’s Executives.

Sep 21, 2021

Is Your Company’s Knowledge Walking Out the Door with Your Retirees?

A conversation about the risk of knowledge loss often is centered around a technology concern evoking thoughts of cyber breaches that release proprietary information, an operational matter considering outsourcing or the one that I will discuss, a people or talent discussion. This article discusses how knowledge loss from employee attrition can be reduced through effective knowledge management and knowledge transfer practices.

Aug 31, 2021

Mitigating Supply Chain Disruptions and Building Resilience

Global supply chains are larger and more complex than ever. At the same time disruptions that affect supply chains have grown more frequent and severe, exposing vulnerabilities. Companies and policy makers are reconsidering how to assess, analyze and mitigate risk exposure to bolster supply chain resiliency to shocks like financial crises, terrorism, extreme weather and pandemics. McKinsey Global Institute's (MGI's) report, Risk, Resiliency, and Rebalancing in Global Value Chains, explores factors leading to global supply chain risk, financial implications of shocks and guidance for building supply chain resiliency. Check out this summary of the key findings.

Aug 16, 2021

Strengthening Operational Resilience in a Post-Pandemic Environment

In a post-pandemic environment, organizations worldwide are implementing risk management strategies to create more resilient future operations. Operational resilience is the organization's ability to prepare responses to be in a position to recover quickly from disruptive events and continue to function amid challenging events. In its thought paper, Operational Resilience: Considerations for Boards, the C-Suite and Enterprisewide Implementation, Protiviti outlines top considerations for business leaders as they build resilience to support disruptions of an organization's ability to deliver goods and services, regardless of the severity of the event. Protiviti highlights a number of key concepts and practices for C-suite leaders, considerations for the board in overseeing operational resilience, and a checklist of essential elements to implement a resilience plan.